Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Days

Day number 2 or snow number 2 for the 2010-2011 winter.For those of you in SC,you know this is NOT normal!During the time it took to type that one sentence,my son has carried the puppy in and "typed" with the puppy's paws.And during the time it took to type sentence number 2,the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack has been put on and he is attempting to make the dog "dance."That soundtrack is my 5 year old son's current favorite.My 2 year old daughter is currently in her polka dot pj's with princess dress up shoes,a tutu,and a sock monkey bathrobe.I LOVE IT!
Now granted,after spending yesterday inside,I am going a little stir crazy.I feel like Jimmy Buffet's Boat Drinks was written about me.If you know me well,you know winter is not my favorite season and I don't care too much for the cold.I figured that we had Christmas and New Year's and one snow already,that means it is time for Spring.No such luck.I would be happy if someone would just open up Hancock Fabric so I can go get a couple of things to work on.Maybe the will later.I am really holding out hope!
So considering that it is the New Year,that normally means that after the house has been dedecorated,I normally begin revamping each room.I am beginning with my daughter's room this year.I think I want to go semi shabby chic.Luckily with that,I can do it mostly myself.2 fixes with one project.I get to get crafty and her room gets a fresh new look for 2011.I LOVE to get crafty.I get such a sense of satisfaction from making something myself.
As of right now,I need to stop blogging and work on designing the Sunday School Curriculum I am working on along with the several other things going on.I guess I need to suck it up first and take the children outside to play in the snow if it is still snow and not just a sheet of ice at this point.Ugh.Come on Spring and Summer!Or just warm weather!Or just a temp over 40 degrees at this point would be warmer!

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